Thunderbirds’ 2020 Show Season Postponed

NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. – The U.S. Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron’s 2020 Show Season has been postponed until May due to the growing concerns over the Coronavirus outbreak.

Air Force leadership suspended all outreach activities and support to community events
through May 15, 2020, in an effort to mitigate the risk and exposure of military members, their families, and the general public to COVID-19. This includes, but is not limited to, on-base and civilian sponsored airshows.

“The health and safety of our team, air show support personnel and attendees is our top priority and we take the current COVID-19 situation very seriously,” said Lt. Col. John Caldwell, Thunderbirds commander and leader. “During this time, we will focus our efforts on practicing preventative health measures to maintain our team’s readiness to perform world-class demonstrations for the American public after the eventual resumption of our show season.”

The Thunderbirds will continue to monitor this evolving situation and work with Headquarters Air Force to provide updates regarding our operations and the resumption of the 2020 show season.

For more information on the team visit and follow @afthunderbirds on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. For questions, please call the USAFADS Public Affairs Office at (702) 652-9932 or email